Thursday 18 February 2016

Drie nieuwe Nederlandstalige websites om te helpen God te zoeken en te vinden

Nu dat er meer over geloof, Allah, God, Jahweh, Jehovah en godsdiensten gesproken wordt is het misschien niet slecht om hen die graag in discussie willen gaan en zij die zoeken ter wille te staan.

Voor de zoekenden en hen die graag antwoorden op vele levensvragen willen krijgen hebben de Belgische Christadelphians nu drie nieuwe websites geopend.

Voor het zoeken naar God is er "Op zoek naar God".
Met enkele artikelen hopen wij mensen op weg te brengen om verder te gaan zoeken alsook dieper te gaan duiken in de Heilige Schrift die de beste gids is als wij op weg naar God willen gaan.

Omtrent de weg die wij best op gaan om God te vinden is er de vandaag (18 februari 2016) gecreëerde website "De Weg naar God" die zal trachten duidelijk te maken dat er twee zeer belangrijke Bijbelse figuren zijn die de mensen makkelijk met elkaar verwarren maar die wij toch zeer goed zullen moeten kennen om een goede relatie aan te gaan met de Schepper van het heelal.

De persoon die de Weg naar God is, horen christenen zeer goed te kennen maar ook bewust zijn van wat hij leerde en van wat hij verlangde van zijn volgelingen die zijn naam willen dragen en de wereld willen in gaan als Christen.

Het is niet eenvoudig om de juiste weg te vinden, daarom kan alle hulp wel welkom zijn. Wij hopen dan ook als werkers voor God een mooie bijdrage te kunnen leveren om mensen op weg te helpen om God te vinden.

"God vinden" is dan de derde in de rij om een volwaardig drieluik te vormen. Samen zouden deze websites meer informatie en leiding moeten kunnen geven om op weg te gaan om een goede navolger van Jeshua, Jezus Christus te zijn.

Enkel als wij Jezus tenvolle zullen erkennen voor wat hij gedaan heeft en voor wie hij is zullen wij via deze bemiddelaar tussen God en mens, verzoend met God kunnen geraken en er werk van maken om met God en met zijn schepselen een goede relatie op te bouwen.

Hopelijk zullen wij veel mensen mogen en kunnen helpen om de Weg naar God te vinden en mag u ook al bij dezen behoren die God al gevonden hebben. Waar u ook staat op de weg naar God, kan het gerust geen kwaad om een kijkje te gaan nemen op die sites.


Monday 15 February 2016

Information Wanted - Kindertransport

English: Kindertransport Memorial in front of ...
Kindertransport Memorial in front of Bahnhof Friedrichstrasse, Berlin (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Information Wanted - Kindertransport

Sent: Mon, 25 Jan 2016 10:10:02 -0800

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Lord willing, Im hoping to put together a book on Christadelphians and their involvement in the Kindertransport. If you have any information or any sources of information that you would like to share, please contact me at or +1 (805) 304-7860. 

Additionally, in gathering materials, I have heard about a book called *Elpis Lodge Scrapbook: 1940-1948*.Ive been trying to locate a copy through the Holocaust archivist here in Los Angeles, but to no avail. If you can help in locating a copy of this book, please reach out to me.

Thank you very much.

With love in the Hope of Israel,
Jason Hensley

Simi Hills Ecclesia,
California, United States 
 NB Quick definition: Kindertransport was the informal name of a series of rescue efforts which brought thousands of refugee Jewish children to Great Britain from Nazi Germany between 1938 and 1940.

Sub-titled Life's Big Questions DVDs

In January the Flemish readers of "Met Open Bible" got "De Grote Levensvragen"  Life's big Questions sent by me.

Sub-titled Life's Big Questions DVDs

Life's Big Questions are now able to offer sub-titled *Life’s Big Questions* and *Introducing the Bible* DVDs in any language if translations can be provided. 
They are produced using Camtasia Studio software which uses a .srt file to produce the subtitles.

Using a .srt file with English sub-titles, the English text can be translated into any language. If all of the other information is left unchanged, the new .srt file will then produce a DVD with new language sub-titles that will all line up correctly with the pictures. 

The final titles giving further information need to be changed to appropriately.
Graphics for the DVD logo with foreign titles can also be produced.
A Dutch DVD can be viewed on my Google Drive at:

More details from bro. Lawrence Cave 02476 881263

Laser Easter UK Youth Gathering 24-28th April 2016

24-28th April 2016 God willing
*Because He Cares For You*
Studies lead by bro Rick Lower
Court Hill Centre, near Wantage - nearest station Didcot Parkway

Easter Weekend has been running for many years - a long weekend away for young people (secondary school > thirty-somethings), staying together with God at the centre. We used to camp out in schools, now we have been blessed with an independent youth hostel in Oxfordshire.

Come and study, discuss, hang out, walk and party with us. We're going to be thinking about real life issues..depression, heartbreak, relationships, sexuality, and God's ways, his love and his grace. He cares for you! YOU!

Creative workshops each afternoon to explore the theme for the weekend, plenty of sofas and woodland to relax in, and a fancy dress theme night with AMAZING team games.

Book at
Cost 45 pounds (or as much/little as you can afford, please don't let cost put anyone off)


South West Fellowship Weekend 20 - 22 May 2016

English: George Hotel and Pilgrims' Inn, Glast...
George Hotel and Pilgrims' Inn, Glastonbury, Somerset, UK (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Christadelphian Support Network (formerly Care Group) warmly invites you to the South West Fellowship Weekend (20 - 22 May 2016) to be led by Bro Richard Alleyne (Handsworth). The venue is Abbey House, Glastonbury, Somerset. 

Under the theme of *In the Wilderness - Finding strength in times of testing*, the weekend provides an opportunity to refocus our lives through fellowship, relaxation and refreshment while allowing plenty of time for discussion and quiet reflection in a setting of outstanding beauty. 

The cost is 150 pounds per person and covers accommodation, meals and sole use of Abbey House. Reduced rates are available for those who need assistance.
Further details and booking from Sis Hannah Menty, Tel. 01633 421936 or email: 

South West Wales Prophecy Day 2016 September 24th

English: The Gwendraeth Fawr valley A beautifu...
 The Gwendraeth Fawr valley A beautiful corner of south-west Wales. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
South West Wales Prophecy Day, God Willing- Saturday September 24th at the Princess Royal Theatre, Port Talbot,SA13 1PJ.

Theme of Gathering :'Daniel chapter 11 and the time of the end'. Speakers: brother Mike Jenner (Rugby) ' The KIng of the North' and
Turkey', brother Matt Davies (Nottingham. Forest Road) 'The King of the South and Egypt', brother Simeon Guntrip "Thy people shall
be willing in the day of thy power". 

A warm welcome to all brothers and siters, young people and friends. Full details to be sent to local Ecclesias nearer the date. Contact: Brian Woodall. 

Bible Learning Centres

English: The Font-Y-Gary, Rhoose, South Wales,...
The Font-Y-Gary, Rhoose, South Wales, UK The coast at the Font-Y-Gary Beach looking east/southeast nearing high-tide. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
If you are able to help staff a Bible Learning Centre in South Wales, UK, then please click on the following link and complete the survey:

By way of further explanation: the Gorseinon Ecclesial preaching team is currently undertaking a feasibility survey for running a Bible Learning Centre in the Swansea area for up to three months. For more about Bible Learning Centres in the UK, see 

The impact of BLCs has seen fruit in Nottingham, Stirling and Solihull in terms of people taking the one-to-one seminars, attending meetings at ecclesial halls and also baptisms. Notably, there are fewer Christadelphians in Scotland than in South Wales, and the Stirling BLC was run successfully for two years. We fully believe that the South Wales Christadelphians are able to join together in a three month venture - if we roll up our sleeves and get stuck in.

At the moment, the Gorseinon Preaching Team are investigating whether the proposed Swansea BLC will be feasible both financially and in terms of staffing.
Please can you complete the following survey if you are prepared to commit to a shift on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis for a period of three months, God willing. There are short term affordable three month lets in Swansea's main shopping centre that we are exploring. With our Father's blessing, we believe that we could run such a venture for that short period of time - but they need at least 30 committed volunteers.

If the project proves feasible, then shifts would most likely be either for the morning 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. or for the afternoon 1 - 4.30 p.m. There should always be at least two people staffing the centre and full training will be given.

We look forward to your support in this exciting preaching venture in the last moments before our Lord returns.

With love in our Lord,

The Gorseinon Preaching Team

Christadelphian Support Network Meeting: The Age of Loneliness

English: the large hall at ashby de la zouch c...
English: the large hall at ashby de la zouch castle as seen from the top of the tower (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
We warmly invite everyone to a Christadelphian Support Network Meeting:

The Age of Loneliness

Saturday 5th March, from 2pm to 7pm at Ashby Ecclesial Hall, LE65 1BW; God willing.

The day will focus on providing an environment to support the self-help of those attending and will include social time for mixing, a visit Ashby Castle, facilitated discussion on the issues on loneliness, ending with a hot meal prior to departure. Booking is essential.

To book and for further information visit or contact Liz Downes on 07879 242740 or

2016 Prophecy day and The Final Great Earthquake

Rugby town centre.jpgTo help us on our walk, waiting for the return of our Lord and Master the Christadelphians intend to hold their annual Prophecy day again this year on 27th February at the Benn Hall, Rugby CV212LN.

If you have a facebook account you can register your interest here to give them an idea of numbers.

This year they have again invited 3 speakers to speak under the theme
'The Final Great Earthquake!''

The first speaker at 11.30am will be Bro Stephen Palmer (Mumbles) and the title of his address is 'Jerusalem, the Burdensome Stone'

Second study at 2.15pm is Bro Jonathan Cope (Cov West) who will speak on
'Babylon, the Stone Destined to Sink'

And the third study at 3.55 is Bro Don Pearce (Rugby) who will present his Latest 'Milestones Update'

Doors open at 10am and light refreshments will be served.
Lunch will be at 12.50pm and you are encouraged to bring a packed lunch ( Liquid refreshment will be served).
Alternatively, the town center is very accessible, where a wide range of food outlets can be found.

Again the organisers are providing a Creche with a live videos link and DVD's and Audio will be available to purchase after the event by order form.
Books, magazines, video displays and craft stalls will also be in situ.

God willing, the day will also be broadcast live on the internet here...

You will also be able to watch the video from the Prophecy website on the day (password 'TFGE')
Please contact for more info.

They also hope to add the videos to the site after the event here...

Christadelphian Voice conferencing will also be broadcasting again this year, Please register beforehand at

Sis Rachel Wadsworth has also kindly informed that they will also be broadcasting at Southport meeting room. Anyone who would like to come and join them is very welcome. They will be listening to the audio and watching the slides on the big screen.*

Ample parking is available at the Benn hall for just 3 pounds all day.

For further information please contact Bro Don Pearce
Call: 01788 542408
Fax: 01788 824256
Don's Milestones website has been revamped and can be viewed here..

Visit the dedicated facebook page

All arrangements are subject to the will of God.