Monday 31 October 2011

New articles for October 2011

While in September war was imminent according to Israeli commander and hundreds of thousands had come on the streets in Israel the Unites States and Europe found also many hundreds of people who were undignified whith todays situation.
In September Israel had attacked and Egypt had entered a severe crisis but the common people showed their anger and dislikes.

This month in the Ecclesia we gave attention on the Name of God and looked at its use in several languages and Bibletranslations.

Also the economic troubles and Bank tribulations could not escape our attention. After the American debacle, the Lehman Brothers brought a lot of Belgian people in a position where they lost all their savings. On top of that the Belgian Banks burned their soup as well.
Dexia-debacle met venijnig staartje.
Politically Belgium saw some light and got somewhere on the good way in the worst political crisis since it short existance. Doorbraak in grootste regeringscrisis van België

We discussed how a Christian has to behave him or herself in such a situation and which responsibility we do have to take about our environment.

We spoke about the many diversions people looked for and what sort of entertainment got him away from our real purpose and essence of life. We could see that also today we still have A god between many gods and that a lot of people still keep choosing for the wrong hero.

We showed that it has become more important today to know the importance of the Creator of heaven and earth and everything aroundיהוה. When we look at the world and see what human beings try to do with the creation we know that no mater what the world may be thinking we should honour always only The Only One Elohim who creates and gives all, but we should also dare to speak to Him using His Name. Though when we do hear many Christians speak, we hear them using strange words for a believer in the Most High and we do not often hear Gods real Name, but often we hear His titles used in a strange way, not really honouring the Elohim Hashem. Lots of Christians are afraid to utter their opinnion when it goes against the general contemporary attitude. they are afraid not going to be accepted by the community and fear to fail. Faal beter
Faal beter #2 Jij en de ander

We can wonder What is your greatest fear? not to use Gods Name?
Some one or something to fear #2 Attitude and Reactions
Some one or something to fear #3 Cases, folks and outing
Some one or something to fear #4 Families and Competition
Some one or something to fear #5 Not afraid
Some one or something to fear #6 Faith in the Most High
Some one or something to fear #7 Not afraid for Gods Name

In Flanders the population of the poor is growing fast and we can find more families where there is no possibility to consume three meals a day:Geen drie maaltijden voor kind. Several parents have no possibility to buy the necessary products for their children anymore. With the growing population some people are afraid that we shall not be able to feed all those mouths. From the several articles you shall be able to find out that God has foreseen in His Plan that we all shall be able to live nicely. So it can be interesting to look at the World Population Watch - see - where a magic figure of 7 Billion  is brining a reality of acute awareness to take care of each other (- purely for interest not a doomsday prediction.)

Britain changes rules to the act of settlement. What does this mean and why is it significant? > CLICK HERE FOR THIS WEEKS WWW 23rd - 29th Oct 2011‏

In > Niet winkelend we show how certain evolution in the belief of people made that we do came in a situation which is not worth for a civilised population to live in. In November we shall go deeper into that because professor Verhaeghe does not agree with what I am saying that a lot of what happens today in the financial and work market happens because of the loss of values and morals. We look also on what others think about The origins of Occupy Wall Street and about the Complex Equality. We also looked at the metaphor for the lost generation. >Metafoor over een generatie but also dare to say we to the great indignation question the incident in the university buildings in Brussels > Verontwaardigd over Indignados. (The photographs of the damage say enough about the attitude of certain people today.)
This outrage or outcry we hear today may be understandable, but how should we behave as Christians? To know how we best can react we also should try to understand all the parties and look at the historical and political situation.
Anti-Crisis anger calling out
Op straat voor waardigheid #1 Zieke broertje
Op straat voor waardigheid #2 Grote broer
Op straat voor waardigheid #3 de Rest van de Familie
Op straat voor waardigheid #4 de Erfenis

The economical crisis also showed that there is some division in Europe and questions the position of each individual in the system.Verdeeldheid bijgelegd.

Europe has enjoyed many decades of growth in wealth and well-being, based on intensive use of resources. But today it faces the dual challenge of stimulating the growth needed to provide jobs and well-being to its citizens, and of ensuring that the quality of this growth leads to a sustainable future. Humanity should be aware that it has become high time to take care of our neighbours, humans but also plants and animals around us. If we would like to have something to eat in a few years time, we shall have to do something against the pollution and about the greediness of certain people.

We have come to a position where we have many fragile creatures pushed in a corner of extinction. the stronger ones should come up for the weaker ones we discussed in the European Parliament:Kwetsbare mens in het Europa van morgen #1 Colloquium
Some think Christians may not rise their voice or may not interfere with politics, but we should be aware that we cannot let certain things happen. Also we do have to come up for the Creation of our beloved Most High Elohim. Therefore several believers came together to share their ideas of how to continue as a nation and to discuss which measures we all should take or how we can stand up as one nation to protect mother earth and show the world that it has to respect the Creation of the Most High Creator, though some humans themselves want to play for god creator. >Sense or nonsense of “Human Fragility”

In the mean time several protesters went on to the streets to show their indignation. But in Brussels and Rome some of those los Indignados showed how we as humans really should not behave. Los Indignados occpyed New York and other cities: Van Evere naar Occupy Antwerp. We are reminded of the Anarchy on the streets a few months ago. What can be learned from the August riots?

We did not only see violance against buildings, cars and parcs. Lots of damage is done to those who are very fragile in our community.

Violence against disabled children while we have to find four-in-10 disabled young ‘poor’.
We wonder what the prospects can be for our children and look at the position we as believers do have to take. We also should dare to call on the governments to recognise the urgency of the situation and take immediate steps to reduce child poverty. We should not think it is just an Aziatic, African, South-American and Flemish situation. There is also a Bleak forecasts for children in the UK .

How can we let it happen that in Belgium 1 in 6 children lives in poverty today?
Is there a hungerweapon? >Hongerwapen
Lappendeken als uithangbord? What can we offer those kids? Droevig vooruitzicht voor jonge kinderen. Therefore we looked also at the International Day for 
the Eradication of Poverty
and dared to asked what you would do and think of your life when you would die today >Indien u nu zou sterven. If Today Was Your Last Day On Earth?

would you be settled with what you think today? Would you be scared? > If Today Was Your Last Day On Earth?

Those children who live in poverty have a bleaker forecast because they cannot have a social formation in youth clubs or extra tuition in music, word or movement theatre. they also have more chances to be bullied at at school. this has really become something that happens more and more and we see it spreading in the work units of adults, where several people are already driven to take their own life.
Onbesef van pesten op school

Ecological economics in the stomach #1 Alarmbell
Ecological economics in the stomach #2 Resources
Ecological economics in the stomach #3 Food and Populace

The world had to loose one of those persons who recognised who is behind all the things we see around us. For many years she tried to get some damage undone which humans had caused to the Creation of the Most High. She tried to save humans by saving trees. > Tree Planter Maathai died

The world lost also a dictator and international terrorist. What are the implications for the Middle East now Gaddafi is dead? CLICK HERE FOR THIS WEEKS WWW 16th - 22nd Oct 2011‏
His dead brought freedom for many. So also in Israel and Gaza people were happy for newly liberated friends. What is the significance of Israel releasing 270 murderers for one Israeli soldier? Could it be a prelude to conflict? What does the Bible say about this? > CLICK HERE FOR THIS WEEKS WWW 9th - 15th Oct 2011‏

Going a little-bit further in the past: The Palestinians had voted at the Security Council and the UN General Assembly.  You can read what brother Andy Walton thought what might happen? > CLICK HERE FOR THIS WEEKS WWW 11th - 17th September 2011‏

In summer the Bible Exhibition at Tewkesbury was blessed with well over 500 visitors in just 4 days! They have also had around 20 people sign up to the seminars. It shows that there are still people interested in hearing about God's word and his plan and purpose - even in these last and very dark days.

Perhaps in our writings we bring not such nice tidings, looking at all this misery, political difficulties, economical and other crimes, but we show also that we can have better prospects as well, but are ourselves also responsible for a lot of things which happen today and shall happen in the near future. Next month, going on about our stance in the Fragile environment I shall dare you to confront with the disastrous figures the scientist brought forwards at the congress in the European Parliament about Fragility. We then shall look with Dr.E. Herr at the relation between the Bible and the Cosmos and with Dr. Le Bichon how we shall be able to work for a better humane community when we try to bring others also over the border of our mysterious feeling and get as many as possible to see how we have to honour our Only One God by giving full honour also to His Creation.

Sunday 23 October 2011

200ste artikel op Ecclesia website

Vandaag werd het 200ste artikel geplaatst op de Christadelphian Ecclesia WordPress website.Wenceslas Hollar - Abraham's  dream (State 2)

Het is één van de artikelen over de Naam van God en de Naam die wij zouden moeten durven gebruiken. Wij zijn als Christen wereldburgers namelijk veel te bang om ons te durven uit te spreken over ons geloof en over onze Allerhoogste Vader.

De vrees om niet bij de wereld te horen weerhoud ons om over zulk een onderwerp te praten. Nochtans zouden wij er niet bang voor moeten zijn om ook in ons dagelijks gebruik de Naam van God ter berde te brengen.

In die zin hoop ik ook met de plaatsing van werelds artikelen op een eigen webstekje over wereldnieuws de ethiek van ons Christelijk geloof naar boven te halen maar ook de mensen te doen linken naar de meer geestelijke bladzijden.

Wij zouden er niet voor moeten terugschrikken om de Naam van God te gebruiken en om over geestelijke onderwerpen te praten. Misschien voelt u zichzelf niet geroepen om over zulke onderwerpen te praten. Dat is niet zo erg. Maar weet u dat u dan toch nog kunt helpen om de Naam van God kenbaar te helpen maken en mensen over God te kunnen doen nadenken?

In de bovenstaande prent kan u een oude illustratie van het Oude Testament vinden waarbij de paleo Hebreeuwse Naam van God zichtbaar wordt gemaakt in de zon en Vader Abraham deze leert kennen. Deze prent maakt nu ook deel uit van de vele illustraties die wij nu ook kunnen plaatsen in de Wordpress pagina's die toch meer mensen aantrekken dan hier op MultiPly.

De Ecclesia Website die wij van MSN overgebracht hebben naar WordPress heeft daar niet slechter geboerd. Integendeel ontvangen wij nu meer lezers. Alhoewel nog niet genoeg.

De website heeft voor het ogenblik nog maar 1,725 specifieke bezoeken genoten, maar wij hopend at het bezoekersaantal nog zal mogen oplopen door ook mensen te kunnen vinden die mee willen helpen om de website meer kenbaar te maken.
  • 35 views op onze drukste bezoekersdag, Juli 19, 2011; dit moet nog omhoog gaan
Naast onze Hoofdwebsite van de Belgische Christadelphians hadden wij de Vlaamse Broeders in Christus ook op Google, maar deze bracht niet veel kijklustigen op. Onze overstap dit jaar naar  WordPress: "Broeders in Christus" gestart in August 2011 bracht nu 216 bezoekers op voor 45 postings met
  • 37 views op de drukste dag September 9, 2011 voor deze Vlaamse Christadelphian pagina's
Vergeleken met mijn eigen wereldse publicaties is dit wel minder. Op mijn ruimte: Marcus's Space bereikte ik 1,825 bezoekers sinds haar begin op December 2010 met
  • 54 bezichtigingen op mijn drukste bezoekdag, October 19, 2011
    Ook valt daar wel op dat een bepaalde keuze van betiteling heel wat kijkers lokte.
Ik ga er ook mee akkoord dat wereldse onderwerpen meer gading vinden dan geestelijke onderwerpen. Toch hoop ik via wereldse onderwerpen op mijn persoonlijke site ook mensen verder te krijgen en hun oog te laten wenden naar de geestelijke sites.

Moet ik daar alleen voor staan of zijn er mensen die daar aan mee willen helpen. Iedereen kan daar zijn eigen steentje toe bijdragen om de mensen verder in contact te brengen met het Goede Nieuws.

Bezoeken aan deze sites zijn gratis en reageren kan er ook gratis en zonder problemen op gebeuren. De Multiply site worden behouden om daar mensen ook de kans te geven verder vragen te stellen. Alsook kunnen wij hier de verschillende artikelen kenbaar maken. En dat is waar de lezer en u een rol kunnen spelen. U kan helpen bij het verder verloop.

U kan alles verder voor uzelf houden, of u kan het verder delen met anderen. Dat is trouwens wat wij zeer zouden waarderen, dat u anderen ook laat weten wat er hier besproken wordt of op de WordPress pagina gepubliceerd wordt.

Niet enkel u kan er gratis op de artikelen abonneren, maar ook al diegenen waarbij u interesse voor die onderwerpen kan doen opbrengen.

Ook kan u de "I like it" knop aantikken of een rating geven met één of meerdere sterren. Door een gradering toe te kennen kan het artikel ook meer naar voor geplaatst worden in de rating pagina's, zodat het makkelijker te vinden zal zijn. Hoe hoger op de lijst van de zoekpagina's hoe makkelijker het een lezer zal kunnen vinden.
En dat is waar u in beeld komt. Als u zich er niet toe geroepen voelt om zelf in de pen te kruipen en artikelen te schrijven kan u de artikelen van anderen wel mee helpen promoten. Daarvoor durven wij u dan ook vandaag voor oproepen om die stappen te willen ondernemen. Zo kan ook u uw steentje er toe bijdragen dat het Goede Nieuws verder verkondigt kan worden.

Mogen wij op uw steun en uw stem rekenen?

Indien u zelf een blog of tijdschrift hebt kan u daar linken plaatsen naar onze artikelen.

Durf een medewerker in het verspreiden van het Goede Nieuws worden!


Please do Share links to the Christadelphian Ecclesia and to the Broeders in Christus of Flemish Christadelphians.

Since we transferred our focus on the WordPress files instead of the Multiply pages our views on the Belgian Christadelphian Mainwebsite Googles Pages have gone up nicely, by people linking to it in the articles.

Also You can help to make it better known, by linking to it and by taking it in your 'I like it' on your social networks, or by clicking on the site on 'I like it' or giving it stars.

Become a co-worker of spreading the Good News.

200 th posting on the Ecclesia website

Today the 200th posting was placed on the Christadelphian Ecclesia WordPress website.Wenceslas Hollar - Abraham's dream (State 2)
It is one of the articles on the Name of God and on how we should dare to use that name.
On the old religious print from the Old Testament llustration to Genesis we notice the paleo Hebrew Name of God written in the sun.

The website had at the moment only 1,725 views but we do hope we shall be able to find people who would not mind to let this site be better known.
The new Dutch Brethren in Christ site on WordPress: "Broeders in Christus" started in August 2011 (from the succelsfull transfer from the Flemish Broeders in Christus Google Site) receive now 216 visitors for 45 postings (Much more than we got on the Flemish Google site in an equivalent time) with
  • 37 views on our busiest day, September 9, 2011 for the Christadelphians in the Dutch language (Flemish site)
Compared to my worldly site: Marcus's Space I received 1,825 visitors over there since its start on December 2010 with
I do agree worldly subjects get more interest than spiritual subjects, therefore I do hope to get people from the worldly site into the spiritual blogs, which come slowly from the ground.

If you have a blog or publish some articles or magazines please do help to spread the Good News and share links to the Christadelphian Ecclesia and to the Broeders in Christus of Flemish Christadelphians.

Since we transferred our focus on the WordPress files instead of the Multiply pages our views on the Belgian Christadelphian Mainwebsite Googles Pages have gone up nicely, by people linking to it in the articles.

Also You can help to make it better known, by linking to it and by taking it in your 'I like it' on your social networks, or by clicking on the site on 'I like it' or giving it stars.

Become a co-worker of spreading the Good News.

Saturday 22 October 2011

Deaf helped in their ability to progress in this community

The Philippine Daily Inquirer on page A10 brought the story entitled: "Hearing impaired get heard in free sign language lessons." You can also see the photo of a deaf sister conducting a Bible study using our publication with a caption written by an Inquirer editor: "Rosemarie Peralta used to be unschooled as a result of being hearing impaired until she discovered a universe of knowledge though sign language taught to her for free by a group of volunteers."
English: A Deaf, Hard-Of-Hearing or Speech-Imp...
English: A Deaf, Hard-Of-Hearing or Speech-Impaired person at his workplace, communicating with a hearing person via a Video Relay Service video interpreter (a V.I., a Sign Language interpreter, shown on-screen), using a videophone. The hearing person with whom the video interpreter is also communicating can not be seen. The videophone camera rests above his computer monitor. Note as well the additional videophones on his desk. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Deaf people, whose families could not afford to send them to special education classes, have been learning sign language for free and beyond classroom walls.
Sign language volunteers of the Jehovah’s Witnesses have been bringing classes right at the doorsteps of the hearing impaired since 1994, preferring to educate them in the comforts of their homes.
Some sign language teachers are themselves deaf. All of them have been spending their own time and money to reach out to the deaf community.
More than 2,000 volunteers, from the mountain town of Buguias in Benguet to the coastal villages of Mindanao, go from house to house to seek out the hearing impaired.
Continue reading: Hearing impaired get heard in free sign language lessons By of the

2013 update:

Enhanced by Zemanta

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Hoe omgaan met huidige moeilijkheden

Wij kunnen er niet omheen dat de wereld bijna op haar kop staat. Ze is werkelijk vierkant gaan draaien.

De laatste eeuw liet al voelen dat het met de natuur de verkeerde kant uitging. In de 19de eeuw had men zonder er bij stil te staan een zeer zware last gelegd op het milieu. Terwijl het in die eeuw nog te vergoelijken leek omdat het voor de vooruitgang van de mens was kon men dat niet zeggen van de 20ste eeuw waar het egoïsme en de hebberigheid van de mensen hoogtij begon te vieren.

Door verder af te dwalen van het Woord van God begon men ook het respect voor Zijn Schepping en de medemens te verliezen. Waarden en normen vervaagden en maakten plaats voor een decadentie die enkel maar het eigen genot op het oog had, al was het ten koste van de ander.
Het afstappen van de Christelijke waarden deed mensen er ook niet om treuren als anderen het minder goed hadden of in de problemen kwamen door anderen of door hen veroorzaakte verkeerde toestanden.

De wereld van Baal (Heer), mocht heer en meester spelen. Iedereen aasde naar een positie van aanzien, ook al moest men daar bruggen voor opblazen. Op zere tenen trappen werd de mode en vijffletterwoorden uit een andere taal werden favoriete uitroepen. Men wenste 'cool' te zijn en naam te maken, ditmaal niet meer door voor de mensheid goede en bijzondere zaken, maar door eigen gewin en posities die in de kijker stonden van de volksblaadjes en kranten. Men wenste op te kijken naar BV die men zelfs "Beroemde Vlamingen" ging noemen, al waren zij misschien gekend in een bepaalde groep van mensen, maar zelfs nog geen bekendheid genoten in een groter gebied of ander taal gebied. Maar met had de hang om er bij te horen en te kunnen pronken in dat of gene gezelschap.
Sommigen zagen er niet om om met het geld van anderen te pronken en de bloemetjes buiten te zetten. Hun eigen aspiraties zetten zij om in de werking van het bedrijf waar zij mee verbonden waren. Daar speelden zij dan het speelballetje of de pion van de nog hebberige bazen.
Op kap van de mensen werden er risico's genomen en mensen beduveld. Zo lang zij er zelf maar beter van konden worden. Luchtbellen werden gecreëerd maar ook opgeblazen. En dat is het pijnlijke waar wij nu mee geconfronteerd worden.

Het gedrag van zeer veel mensen dat alle Christelijke warden te buiten gaat heeft de das van onze maatschappij omgedaan.
Daar kan men dan ook de vraag stellen in welke mate Christenen aan de zijkant kunnen stil blijven. Bepaalde Christenen roepen ons dan wel een halt toe en zeggen dat wij niet van deze wereld mogen zijn. Maar moet dat dan inhouden dat wij deze wereld zo maar moeten laten begaan?

Volgens mij zijn er maten en gewichten met de normen die wij moeten handhaven. zeker moeten wij de keizer geven wat de keizer toe komt. Maar dat houdt niet in dat wij alle onrecht zo maar moeten laten gebeuren zonder onze stem te laten horen.
Wel heeft men verschillende manieren om een mening te kennen te geven en daar moet volgens mij duidelijk het verschil zichtbaar zijn tussen de gelovige en niet gelovige.Als Christen moeten wij er ook steeds op toe zien dat wij Gods Wetten neit overtreden. Dat houdt dan ook in dat wij niemand onterecht schade toe brengen en dat wij geen geweld gebruiken om ons doel te bereiken ook al kan dat nog zo rechtvaardig zijn.

Maar volgens mij hebben wij een stem, een geweten en een geest gekregen om ze te gebruiken. De ene zal ook meer of minder begaafd zijn dan de ander, maar elkeen heeft bepaalde gaven. En het zijn die gaven die wij moeten aanwenden om de ander te helpen. zo moeten de sterkeren steeds opkomen voor de zwakkeren. Wat er ook moge gebeuren moeten wij steeds klaar staan om elkaar te helpen. en dat houdt volgens mij ook het opkomen voor de ander in.

  1. Wat denkt u?
  2. Wat moeten wij in de huidige situatie doen?
  3. Moeten wij ons zo maar laten doen?
  4. Moeten wij opkomen voor een betere en rechtvaardiger wereld?
Omtrent de huidige situatie en reacties kan u meer lezen in de volgende artikelen:
  1. Dexia-debacle met venijnig staartje
  2. Op straat voor waardigheid #1 Zieke broertje

  3. Op straat voor waardigheid #2 Grote broer

  4. Op straat voor waardigheid #3 de Rest van de Familie

  5. Op straat voor waardigheid #4 de Erfenis

  6. Anti-Crisis anger calling out

Monday 17 October 2011


luke.lea wrote on October 16 2011, @08:08 pm concerning the Occupy Wall Street General Assembly
"This GA concept is fucking genius -- a most beautiful product of collective imagination, more promising by far than anything else I've seen in my 70 years.
A few hundred Quakers helped change the course of English history 4 centuries ago by keeping it simple and sticking to their principles, or so I have read; one can only hope it might happen again."
The Quakers did as every Christian should do: to turn up one's sleeves.
They put one's hand to the plough and did not wait until governments or organisations took action. They themselves went to work in hospitals and shelter-houses. They tried to do something against bad situations.
Today many people do find themselves pushed in a corner. Some were even wealthy persons a few months or years ago, but have to live on the street today. The world has come back into a crises situation which could turn out to be a Second Great Depression if we are not careful.
In such time of trouble Christians should be ready to stand clear and to work the ropes to keep everything safe. For that reason it is also important that we know what is going on and what happens to people around us, giving them assurance that they can count on us and that we are ready to throw out the safety-line.
The question which can bother us is how far may we go in our reaction? Can we stand on the barricades?
May the Indignados become desperados?
Read more about the happenings:
  1. Dexia-debacle met venijnig staartje
  2. Op straat voor waardigheid #1 Zieke broertje

  3. Op straat voor waardigheid #2 Grote broer

  4. Op straat voor waardigheid #3 de Rest van de Familie

  5. Op straat voor waardigheid #4 de Erfenis

  6. Anti-Crisis anger calling out

What is your thought?

Friday 14 October 2011

God's Licht

De avonden worden donker en bij sommige mensen ook de gemoedsstemmingen. Waar wil u zich thuis voelen in deze wereld?
Mag er bij u licht in de duisternis zijn?

Wenst u de schakelaar aan zetten?

“De God die heeft gezegd: ‘Uit de duisternis zal licht schijnen, ‘heeft in ons hart het licht doen schijnen om ons te verlichten met de kennis van zijn luister, die afstraalt van het gezicht van Jezus Christus.” (2 Corinthiërs 4:6 NBV)

Bekijk deze goed gemaakte video:
God's Light
God's light.

God's Light

Do you want to switch on the Light?

Corinthians 4:6
For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.

Watch this nice video:
God's Light

God's light.

Experiencing God

Experiencing God What is the first emotion...
Alan Hermann
Experiencing God

What is the first emotion that you experience when you think of God?
There are many answers to this question. Some are helpful and some dangerous but none are neutral.

Probably the most dangerous place of all to be in, is to answer, ‘nothing’. If the thought of God brings nothing to our heart then we desperately need to spend time with Him strengthening our relationship.
There are two seemingly opposed answers that are in fact complementary. They bring together apparently differing emotions to build one glorious whole. Neither is greater than the other. Both are important on their own but together they make a far greater whole. In no particular order they are ‘awe’ and ‘love’.

Awe by itself can, if misunderstood, lead to servile fear or a sense of worthlessness. We can begin to see God as mighty but distant and lose the precious truth that we live from within His eternal hug.

Love by itself can become seen as sloppy sentimentality as we lose sight of the fact that God is our friend but not our mate. Together they show the awe filled grandeur and power of the One who loves, as well as the tender Father heart of the Creator and King.

To live the full life we need to experience the fullness of God. His hug is warm and His arms are strong.

2013 update: 

Enhanced by Zemanta

Gevolg van niet kunnen beargumenteren waarom we geloven

In hebben wij aangehaald hoe de Christadelphians op Xanga in debat durven gaan maar ook zelf klaar staan om te argumenteren, niet enkel met andere geloven maar ook met geloofsgenoten van andere strekkingen. Voor hen is het duidelijk dat om te kunnen groeien in het geloof men steeds dat geloof in vraag moet durven stellen.

Vandaag is het schering en inslag om niet alleen te twijfelen maar eerder niet te geloven in een god die alles zou geschapen hebben en instaat voor alles wat bestaat.

Voor al de dingen die gebeuren hebben de mensen neit echt een antwoord en meestal als er iets verkeerd gaat beschuldigen zij wel die god waarvan zij anders niets hoeven te weten.

Er zijn veel mensen op zoek naar antwoorden, waardoor bepaalde vragen uit de weg kunnen worden geruimd door een goed gesprek. Echter zitten sommige mensen meer vast op de wil dan op het verstand. Ook al willen wij een zinnig gesprek aan gaan lukt dat niet altijd. Het valt op dat wij bij die mensen weinig bereikt met argumenten, ze willen namelijk autonoom blijven. Je kan niet iedereen met argumenten raken, dat is bij iedereen verschillend. Toch zijn argumenten in deze tijd wel erg belangrijk.

Ook veel mensen die de kerk dreigen te verlaten, zitten met intellectuele problemen. Apologetiek moet volgens dr. J. Hoek meer op de agenda van de kerk komen. Volgens hem kunnen wij dan niet alleen naar binnen toe ons geloof een fundament te leren geven, maar bespreken we ook hoe we getuige kunnen zijn naar de buitenwereld.

In gesprekken met niet-gelovigen is het naast het communiceren van argumenten belangrijk hoe die argumenten worden gebracht. Hoek: "Apologetiek heeft veel te maken met communicatie. Hoe reageer je bijvoorbeeld op agressieve vragen van mensen? Op wat voor manier doe je dat? Petrus adviseert ons dat te doen met zachtmoedigheid, respect en vreze. Doen we dat niet, dan gaat het wel eens fout. Wanneer iemand heftig reageert, kun je proberen er achter te komen wat daar achter ligt. Het moet uiteindelijk niet hard tegen hard zijn maar hart tegen hard."

"Wanneer mensen ons kritische vragen stellen, hebben we vaak geen antwoord. Het resultaat daarvan is, dat we door buitenstaanders als een soort sekte overkomen, omdat we niet kunnen beargumenteren waarom we geloven. Bovendien leven bepaalde vragen, over het lijden bijvoorbeeld, ook bij ons zelf."

Don't let anyone move you off the foundation of your faith

"I see no business in life but the work of Christ."
- Henry Martyn

"... don't let anyone move you off the foundation [of your faith].
Always excel in the work you do for the Lord. You know that
the hard work you do for the Lord is not pointless."
1 Corinthians 15:58


Unity is when you share fellowship with...
Chuck Runge

Unity is when you share fellowship with brethren in Christ,
and excuses are no longer necessary.

WWW Updates

Brother Andy Walton let us know:


This weeks WWW is now available.
To view it please click on the following link. You can either open it and view now.
Or you can save it and view it later. It may take a minute to download. If you are not able to download please reply to this email requesting the WWW as an attachment. I will then email the WWW to you as an attachment. This may take a day or two as it is not automated!
In this weeks WWW

Syria threatens to rain missiles down on Israel.

Weekly World Watch ARTICLES

I gave a talk recently on Daniel's 70 week prophecy and how it links to the Olivet prophecy.
Click here to download a PDF of the slides. (1mb)
Within the PDF is the link to download the AUDIO.

I gave a talk recently on the significance of Queen Elizabeth II in relation to Bible prophecy.
Click here to download a PDF of the slides. (7mb)
Within the PDF is the link to download the AUDIO.

Another article you may be interested in is about how Jesus might return.
Click here to download the PDF of this article.

Another new article is on the question of God's involvement in the earthquake in Haiti.
Click here to download the PDF of this article

I have written an article on the significance of the Pope's visit to the Dome of the Rock in relation to the Olivet Prophecy.
Click here to download the PDF of the new article.
Weekly World Watch AUDIO
There are a number of audio (mp3) talks you can download to listen to. Some are prophecy related but some are exhortational.
Click here to visit the AUDIO page on the website
Weekly World Watch THEMES -updated for 2010
All the WWW slides for last year have been grouped into themes.Suppose you want to view everything the WWW reported on in 2010 relating to Korea - just click the link below and then select the subject you want to view. There's everything from Israel to Russia, from financial collapse to natural disasters. It is amazing to view a whole year on one theme and WATCH God's hand working in the world.
Click here to visit the THEME page on the website
Weekly World Watch CD's
There are currently 6 CD available to order. They are all powerpoint with audio taken from talks I have given. I will gladly post free of charge if money is an issue. A new CD is now available called "The Hope of Israel".
Click here to visit the CD order page on the website.
Internet Protection
It is vital to ensure that we have internet protection. SAFE EYES is the best program I have found to do this. It protects everyone (kids and parents), it is tamper proof and can be installed quickly. According to the London School of Economics 90% of children between the ages of 8 and 16 have accidentally accessed pornography. In most cases these sites were stumbled upon while searching for information that was homework related. As brethren and sisters of Christ we are responsible to ensure we do not view such things either accidentally or on purpose. I commend SAFE EYES to EVERYONE! It does cost money but in my opinion (and I have used it for 5 years) it is worth EVERY penny.
Click here to go to the SAFE EYES website
Powerpoint Viewer
If for any reason you cannot open the Weekly World Watch link you may not have powerpoint installed on your computer.
You can download a free powerpoint viewer by clicking on the link below. It is only a small file.
Free Powerpoint viewer

A Jewish Woman and a Test of Faith

James Mason
Here is an interesting test, “Is your faith as strong as the faith of the Jewish mother in the following story?” A forty-year old Israelite woman had suffered heart wrenching agony, her Jewish mother asked, “Do you want to pray?” The daughter (who had prayed all her life) now with tears in her eyes said no! The mother asked, “Why?” Her daughter said, “Because I am not going to hand my future over to whatever it is who is supposed to be loving and who I didn’t think should let me suffer in this way, I thought God was good.” The mother with great insight replied, “Maybe God is worth it, maybe God is also difficult, awful, complicated” the daughter prayed. Here’s the test, “If God seems difficult awful and complicated in our lives is our faith like the mothers or like the daughters?

Set free from any form of mental torment or self-condemnation

James Mason
The words, “For if a law had been given that could give life, then righteousness would indeed be by the law” (Gal 3:21) should give every brother and sister in Christ tremendous comfort and set them free from any form of mental torment or self-condemnation since these words clearly show that not only Paul but God Himself knows not one of us will ever attain to the perfect standard of the law no matter how much we might desire to or how hard we try.

Both God and Christ know that any attempt we make to attain to
righteousness of holiness to make us worthy of eternal life by our own human self-effort is doomed to fail before we even start, thus the glory, the beauty, the wonder and splendour of God’s grace in Christ.
Helen Bliss We should NOT be trying to follow the Law, We should be following Jesus our savior, this is the way of salvation that leads to life. That is what his example is all about.

2013 update:

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Thursday 13 October 2011

I Will Cause Your Name To Be Remembered

I Will Cause Your Name To Be Remembered In All Generations; Therefore The Peoples Will Give You Thanks Forever !!

door Julia Ann op maandag 10 oktober 2011 om 1:01

I Will Cause Your Name To Be Remembered In All Generations; Therefore The Peoples Will Give You Thanks Forever And Ever=Psalms 45:17
Malachi 1:11

My Name will be Great among the nations, from the rising to the setting of the sun. In every place incense and pure offerings will be brought to My Name, Because My Name will be Great Among The Nations," says YAHuah of hosts.
Malachi 2:5

My Covenant with him was one of life and peace (Shalom), and I gave them to him. It was a covenant of fear, and he feared(Respected) Me. He stood In Awe Of My Name.
Malachi 2:1-5

 1  And now, O you priests, this commandment is for you.

 2  If you will not hear, and if you will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto My Name, said YAHuah of hosts, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings:, I have cursed them already, because ye do not lay it to heart.

 3  Behold, I will corrupt your seed, and spread dung upon your faces, even the dung of your solemn feasts; and one shall take you away with it.

 4   And you shall know that I have sent this commandment unto you, that my covenant might be with Levi, said YAHuah of hosts.

 5  My covenant was with him of life and peace; and I gave them to him for the fear wherewith he feared me, and was afraid before My Name.

My Name For All Generation!!


2013 update:
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